All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Note: This was converted to HTML from Markdown.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project aims to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
Color Coding
This changelog features a color coding so you can quickly identify changes that are of interest to you by segment.
Change Type
Change Category
v4.18.0 - 2025-02-06
Merged TH and PH regions into SEA (previously SG)
v4.17.1 - 2025-01-30
Smoothed out some edge cases causing needless problems in leaderboards and live game view
v4.17.0 - 2025-01-11
Updated Seasonal Milestone requirements
- Note: requirements dropped really hard so you'll level up to 5x faster (slows to 33% faster once you hit milestone 5)
Swapped Riot API interaction library
Removed Mastery reward tracker
- Removed since Riot no longer grants Mastery Chests for hitting seasonal milestones
Support via WhatsApp
v4.16.1 - 2024-12-01
Improved fallback for recovery from database when Riot API returns an error
v4.16.0 - 2024-11-18
Live game tab:
- Marker for current player is now the champion icon border instead of a name underline
- Bubbles are now bordered with the team color
Cleaned up broken PUUIDs for ~1000 players
Live game page no longer breaks if Riot API returns an error for spectate API
Invalid requests will be recognized and killed more quickly
v4.15.3 - 2024-11-10
Further logging extensions
v4.15.2 - 2024-11-10
Re-worded and extended some internal logging
v4.15.1 - 2024-11-08
Instead of crashing, users will now be properly redirected to an error page if a route is rate limited
v4.15.0 - 2024-11-08
Live Game tab: colored markers for probable fresh accounts (green: Level below 70) and high level accounts (red: Level above 800)
Live Game tab: simplified Mastery overview, put more details in a hover
Live Game tab: Renamed Summoners already known to the system will now be properly renamed and updated internally
Rate limit exceedance will be reacted to more harshly
v4.14.1 - 2024-11-07
Fixed level display in live game page
Fixed tracking properties for RSO usage
v4.14.0 - 2024-11-07
Players can now find their profile using RSO login
Live game page will try to auto-match lanes for Summoner's Rift games
Live game page will show the players' current Mastery Level and Points as well as a bubble chart
Live game page now displays current solo and/or flex rank, depending on game mode
- If a player is not currently ranked, a previously recorded peak rank will be displayed (if possible)
Flex rank and all time peak in any queue is now also tracked
Vastly improved multi-summoner caching, effectively improving loading speeds
Updated multi-summoner summary to be more like the regular, single profile one
Detection of messy Riot API responses was improved
Name simplification improvements (useful if there are spaces in your name)
v4.13.0 - 2024-10-28
The statistics page now allows filtering its view by champion class
The statistics page now additionally contains aggregate info (median and average)
ChatGPT is now forbidden to crawl the site
Fixed reward counter limits
v4.12.1 - 2024-10-16
Covered niche case in which profiles loaded from the internal archives would take longer than necessary
Extended internal Riot API error reporting
v4.12.0 - 2024-10-16
Live Game profile tab with links to other players in your current game
Covered some niche error cases in which timestamps or caching info would break
v4.11.1 - 2024-10-11
Recovery attempt from archive when Riot API is down works again
- Recovery attempt now also supports multi profiles instead of silently dying
Long player names break nicer in profile headers
Stale warning in profiles are properly placed again
Ad placement + GDPR consent management improvements
Internal crawling endpoint for shifting to the new archiving method
v4.11.0 - 2024-10-10
Replaced long-term (forever) caching of current data with a short-lived cache for the current session (a few minutes)
Fixed ad close buttons preventing menu usage
Fixed champion leaderboard links in Discover page tables
Fixed table scrolling for mobile devices
Fixed dev demo mode
v4.10.1 - 2024-10-07
Custom Chart Champion selection is searchable again
Fixed Champion ID attribution in exports (this will break old exports, sorry!)
Fixed player name alignment for mobile devices
Fixed sidebar ad placement
v4.10.0 - 2024-10-07
Wild Rift helper for Custom Charts
- This automatically adds points of previous levels so you can just copy the values from the game
New ad service: NitroPay
Moved favorite button from summoner icon to separate button to make it more obvious
Simplified player summary at the top of profile pages
(Invisible) code quality touchups (~HTML reliability guideline compliance...)
v4.9.0 - 2024-10-02
Support for exportable Custom Charts
Rewards progression profile tab to show you which champion is closest to a chest
Statistics profile tab to highlight personal Mastery Pts/Level distribution
Added page with stats about skin counts, popular summoner icons and distributions of Summoner Level, Total and Top Mastery
Slight redesign of the frontend colorset and menu structure
Updated mastery data archive structure to use ~98% less storage
Identified and fixed more error scenarios
v4.8.3 - 2024-07-19
Fixed bug causing the bubble chart for multi summoner display to break
Adjusted seasonal progress tracking to be correctly usable for the bubble chart and the table
- Mastery Level is now a Mastery Points-based estimate instead of the max level across all profiles
- Seasonal milestones are summed up across all profiles
- Progress is taken from the profile with the most grades collected
- Marks of Mastery are ignored
v4.8.2 - 2024-07-16
- Fixed bug breaking search for some users
v4.8.1 - 2024-07-15
- Minor fixes for typos
v4.8.0 - 2024-07-15
Support for the Middle Eastern (ME) server
Support for Arabic transliteration in the search
Seasonal milestone mode for bubble chart
Tooltip for all graphs appears on hover instead of on click for desktop devices
Updated colors for Mastery 5 from light blue to grey to more closely resemble the RPG rarity color set
Updated graph basis for the bubble chart to D3 v6
Updated bonus milestone rank requirements to match changes introduced by Riot (7 S- or above to 3 per bonus milestone)
Fixed profile descriptions' score display
Fixed copy-pasting from client which introduced invisible characters breaking the search for some users
v4.7.2 - 2024-06-13
Loading time and SEO improvements
Fixed feedback form reliability issues
v4.7.1 - 2024-06-04
Fixed sorting bug and some ambiguities in table
Fixed progress guesstimate calculation and sorting
Fixed bug causing Voronoi and Treemap not to render for some users
Fixed bug occurring when Riot API returns faulty or no mastery data
Rewrote milestone progress/grade mapping, fixing a bug dropping infomation if too many games were played without earning required ranks
Fixed minor bug causing rank integrations for the mastery table to not show up under certain conditions
Refactored API integration, making it more resilient
- "Chest granted" filter for bubble chart was removed since this does no longer exist in the new mastery system
v4.7.0 - 2024-05-30
New Mark of Mastery display in the table
Seasonal Mastery display
Plate for Level 10+ display
Leaderboard Mastery Score with a cap at Level 10 to highlight diversity
Mastery Table progress outputs a more compact summary of upgrade requirements
Mastery Table properly sorts by progress again by guesstimating how many games it would take to level up
v4.6.0 - 2024-05-15
Support for the new Mastery System introduced in Patch 14.10
Added meta stats pages with new visualizations about community stats (not publicly linked yet)
Switched to new ad publisher: Ezoic
Searching for champions will no longer offer broken links
v4.5.1 - 2024-04-22
- Solo Queue Rank caching is less defensive now
- Cleaned up some internal crawling endpoints to help combat stale and deadlocked profiles
v4.5.0 - 2024-04-22
Profiles and leaderboards now feature a Solo Rank display
On profiles this will also link to the matching OP.GG
- Users can no longer look up their profiles using their old summoner names since Riot removed the corresponding endpoint.
v4.4.0 - 2024-03-31
Added new affiliate: 1v9.GG
Internal crawling endpoints to setup automatic leaderboard refreshes
v4.3.0 - 2024-03-21
Nostalgia mode for april fools
Switched back to AdSense ads
v4.2.2 - 2024-02-29
Region update comparison now works as intended
Spaces in taglines are now properly supported
Disabled some unused data aggregation
Added catch in case Riot API won't return a player's game name (why is this a thing?)
Added catches for non-breaking leaderboard issues
Made empty profiles less confusing
v4.2.1 - 2023-12-25
- Fixed leaderboard pagination
- Added some fallbacks for things that would frequently cause needless errors (mainly from crawlers)
v4.2.0 - 2023-12-24
New Multi search which allows to combine the mastery of up to 5 profiles
- All previously existing chart types are supported
- The "More Charts" page provides additional info on the separate profiles
A champions page that allows quickly finding a champion's leaderboard
Pinyin transliteration
As character sets are no longer region-locked, transliteration now works based on detected character sets instead of profile region
Switched to a self-hosted instance of Sentry for better performance and privacy
Added some more failsafes when loading from cache to reduce the chance of getting a white screen
Reduced RAM usage for players with many leaderboard positions
- This caused some profile pages to crash
Fixed a bug that wrongfully loaded skin backgrounds for the Mastery Table
- Patched a XSS vulnerability
- Introduced with and hotfixed during v4.1.0
v4.1.0 - 2023-12-15
The short summary in summoner profiles can now be changed between 3 different modes
- Champions at level 1+/5+/7 (default)
- Champions at level 5/6/7 (previous default)
- Champions at level 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
The mastery table now shows more information for people who haven't reached a leaderboard spot yet
- The pts required for the last leaderboard spot will be displayed and can be hovered for comparison.
- If either of these conditions is met the info will be shown:
- It's one of the top 5 champions by mastery
- Over 200K mastery
- Over 50% of the last leaderboard spot's mastery
Error tracking using Sentry
A Terms of Service page
Better request parallelization for quicker response times
Leaderboards now don't have a hard limit at 21,600 pts
- This makes leaderboards for new champions a lot more useful
The profile head has been redesigned for mobile devices
Home splash is now Winterblessed Hecarim
Preparation for CMP switch from Quantcast to Sourcepoint for TCF compliance
The search will no longer break on number-only taglines starting with a zero
Table backgrounds aren't broken for certain leaderboard arrangements anymore
The more charts page now links back to the profile again
Internal error tracking for database issues now contains an error code
v4.0.1 - 2023-11-24
Favorite and stored search links now have another fallback layer
Broken Mastery Table backgrounds were fixed
Made the 404 error message more verbose when the tagline is missing
v4.0.0 - 2023-11-23
Big changes! Check out our article over at the blog for more info and context!
Loading animations when charts are updated or mastery info is collected
Voronoi Treemap, Sunburst, Treemap and Icicle now have more modes
Riot ID support with temporary backwards compatibility
- If you haven't changed your Riot ID yet, your old links will probably still work
Added menu for quick access to useful pages
Ability to delete your favorite summoner selection directly on the home page
"Fake summoner" will be suggested when a new profile is looked up to reduce confusion
Small CSS touches for more tooltip clarity
Proper testing, code analysis and deployment strategy
Rewrote the Voronoi Treemap to use D3v6 instead of D3v4, making it much faster and less prone to create misplaced elements
Static assets are now served from outside the application to make updates more fluent
- Source code/docker image will be open-source and available at MasteryChart/DataDragon soon
Fully refactored the entire backend for better security, maintainability and reliability
Sunburst by class and by level have been condensed into a single page (+ new level/count mode)
Purists who played another champion will now (as intended) lose their leaderboard spot
The short mastery info now shows Mastery 1+/5+/7 instead of Mastery 5/6/7
Blog was moved to
FAQ were moved to a blog page
Feedback platform was replaced with feedback form due to abuse of the former
Ads are served by Freestar instead of Google AdSense now
- Consent options can be found in the footer's "Legal" section
Support for summoner names will be removed at some point in the future
- This will break all links without a tagline
v3.3.0 - 2023-03-04
User tracking is now via (self-hosted) Plausible instead of Umami. The extent of collected data is unchanged.
Table headers are now sticky on large screens
Removed Mastery Points totals from Leaderboard table
- This will come back at some point as a separate set of visualizations
v3.2.0 - 2023-03-01
Integrated, anonymous Feedback Platform
Global ranks in summoner profiles now display extra detail when hovering
- Fully interactive bar chart for comparison with other leaderboard ranked players
- For now, this will be for global rankings only
Leaderboard table will display threshold to enter the leaderboard and total collected points
- The latter also displays player count and average Mastery Points per player on hover/tap
New Patreon page for general support and preparation for new features
New third party:
Twitter meta tags
Special case pinning PAX Twisted Fate for Malcolm
Table in profiles restructured
- Rank moved to separate column to allow sorting
- Chest availability is now more intuitive to read and uses a proper hextech chest icon
If Riot API is unavailable, the system will try to load stale data from cache before throwing 503
- The user profile will display a warning icon to indicate this
Buttons in chart pages and header were moved around for consistency and more intuitive usage
Font polishing
Home splash is now Astronaut Ivern
Error reporting now properly indicates when Riot API couldn't be reached
v3.1.1 - 2023-02-11
Switching your favorite summoner no longer requires you to go to the profile and unmarking them before marking a new one
Favorite feature usage tracking streamlined
Edge case with live search links
v3.1.0 - 2023-02-10
Reenabled Live Search!
- Massive performance improvements
Visual touchups for rank display on the Discover page
Korean romanization
- Live search will suggest
[아 초 록 스]
when searching for[achorokseu]
- Live search will suggest
v3.0.0 - 2023-02-04
Readded leaderboards with new features!
- Leaderboard pages can now be filtered by region
- Leaderboard positions in profile tables can now be toggled between global and regional ranking
- Leaderboard for champion purists (Mastery Points on only one single champion)
Discover, Leaderboard, Donation and social links rearranged
Home splash is now Spirit Blossom Syndra
Updates to FAQ
Reduced ad load
Champion Lore on champion leaderboard pages moved to bottom
Massive query performance improvements
v3.0.0-beta - 2023-01-16 "The Flood"
Discord/Donation/Twitter/TikTok social media presences linked on index page and footer
More info pages, extended FAQ
Google AdSense monetization
Partnered Third Party: ARAM Zone (Thank you, Gonza!)
Changelog is now linkable, e.g. this version can be linked via
Renamed "roles" to "classes"
Infos on contact options
Moved buttons around on profile
Massive database performance improvements
- Load balancing
- Query optimization
Completely restructured "More Charts" page
- Each chart now has its own site to reduce load on weaker devices and visual overload
- Theres an extra site with just the table also linked in "More Charts" segment
GDPR (EU/UK) Consent Popup is now managed by Google instead of local script for better localization
Temporarily removed some features to reduce database load
- Live Search
- Leaderboard updates
Various oopsies with special characters and other edge cases
Issue with Bubble Chart
in minified scripts
v2.23.1 - 2023-01-12
Visual fixes for blog pages on mobile devices
Fallbacks set for easier setup
v2.23.0 – 2023-01-12
A Dev Blog to read up on features and their implementation
- Additions to the blog will be added for references (without bumping version)
Blog articles:
Logo in header was unrealiably positioned for some devices
v2.22.0 – 2023-01-10
Support for
regionsImage generation via button is now tracked
v2.21.0 – 2022-12-28
Info about marking your favorite summoner placed on home page and in FAQ
More tracking to help me improve the site (Neither personal nor pseudonymous info like your summoner name is tracked)
- Usage of live search (number of results you found and whether you clicked one)
- Interaction with FAQ (which segments you open)
- Usage of mark favorite feature (whether you use it)
Changelog toggleable color coding
Updates to FAQ
Home splash is now Winterblessed Zilean
Link to favorite summoner no longer causes content shift
v2.20.0 – 2022-12-27
Historical and Live Search can now be navigated with the up/down arrow keys
v2.19.0 – 2022-12-27
Live Search:
- Summoners and champions will be suggested once you start typing
Internal refactoring
- Error handling: Failing is now nicer, I guess
- Slight performance improvement by complexity reduction
- Extension of documentation
Removed needless error redirects on faulty profiles for crawler endpoint
Removed infinite re-queue loop for co-op only/botted accounts
v2.18.0 – 2022-12-26
Updated cyrillic transliteration to adhere to GOST 7.79-2000
- This is in preparation for searching summoners live
v2.17.0 – 2022-12-24
Internal capabilities for romanizing Korean names
- This is temptative and in preparation for searching summoners live
The "also check out" section was renamed to "more projects"
Stats endpoint now serves proper integers and contains information about summoners per server
Summoner name changes are properly detected again (bug was introduced in 2.16.0)
v2.16.0 – 2022-12-23
Reduced complexity → quicker reponse times
v2.15.1 – 2022-12-21
Search history will now always have the most recently looked up summoner on top
Users now get visual feedback when a new favorite summoner is selected
Favorite summoners can now be removed by clicking the summoner icon again
v2.15.0 – 2022-12-21
Quick access to favorite summoner:
- Clicking your favorite summoner's profile icon locally marks them for quick access
- The home page will now display a direct link to that summoner
Better debug capabilities
Internal performance upgrades
Visual touchups on third party links for mobile devices
ARAM Academy third party link as the project has been paused
League of Graphs third party link
v2.14.0 – 2022-12-01
Separate sitemap for Leaderboard members
Buffer for empty profile purge job
Regular sitemap updates
v2.13.2 – 2022-11-29
Summoners who added or removed a space on summoner change are now properly handled
Formatting issues when first requesting Korean/Japanese summoners
Issue that locked out quickly updating a summoner even though importing mastery info failed
Internal troubleshooting capabilities improved
Hardened Riot API request reliability
Incompletely updated summoners are now hidden from Discover lists
Improperly auto-updated leaderboard summoners are now recognized and re-queued
v2.13.1 – 2022-11-28
Backwards compatibility issue with leaderboard updates
v2.13.0 – 2022-11-28
Empty profiles (no mastery data) will now automatically get removed after a day
Date format now includes the server time zone for more clarity
Leaderboards will now update instantly instead of every 6 hours
v2.12.1 – 2022-11-17
Summoners with no mastery data are now properly handled when updating
v2.12.0 – 2022-11-16
Ability to toggle role color filter for Voronoi and Treemap diagrams
v2.11.3 – 2022-11-14
Social Logo now adheres to branding
v2.11.2 – 2022-11-12
Special edge case overlap no longer results in confusing pseudo-duplicate profiles
- This required a summoner switching their name and someone else claiming the old one
Odd text behavior in Discover tables
Broken image in Discover if player has no mastery points at all
v2.11.1 – 2022-11-12
Adjustments to automatic leaderboard update functionality
Visual touchup for leaderboard page
v2.11.0 – 2022-11-11
Discover page segment for newly added players
A lot more detail in Discover page (champions at 5/6/7, top champion, last update)
Leaderboard placed players are now accented with a skin as the champion's table blackground image
Champion leaderboards now have their champion as the background and a lore segment
Sitemap expansion/detailing
SEO improvements
Sectioning of content
Layout and styling adjustments
Theme color is now
instead of [
- This applies to mobile headers and e.g. Discord's message detailing
Properly centered ARAM Academy's logo
v2.10.0 – 2022-11-09
Separate legal notice and privacy policy
Proper Mobalytics logo (thank you, Josh!)
Segmented Sitemap
General layout for home page and header
Home splash is now Cosmic Blade Master Yi
~30% network traffic load reduction
Level up progress information details in table view
Support for non-webp images
Bugs in summoner search history
Level up progress now properly works in Firefox
v2.9.0 – 2022-11-08
The last 5 summoners you looked up will now be suggested to you when clicking the search bar
Nicer focus state visuals
Icons for more visual clarity for the collapsibles on the FAQ page
Proper ARAM Academy logo (thanks for your permission, kirito!)
FAQ collapsibles aren't squished on mobile anymore
v2.8.1 – 2022-11-07
Inconsistent naming of Fiddlesticks assets is now accounted for
v2.8.0 – 2022-11-07
Added treemap chart by class/points to "More Charts" page
Summoners with leaderboard positions are now continuously auto-updated (over ~7 days)
Summoner name changes will now be detected and followed
- → No empty profile is left behind
"Last Update" info on summoner level hover/tap
Hint on bubble chart interactivity below the chart
Bubble chart images look cleaner now
"Last Update" info in profiles replaced by usage hint (see "Added")
Home page now has a dark background for better readability
Deployment compatibility issues
Mastery level images are no longer pixelated on mobile devices
Sunburst diagrams now clear the background image when no champion is selected
Visual touchups for more consistent branding and site feeling
v2.7.0 – 2022-11-05
Fully automated asset update
Extra page with even more interactive charts
- Sunburst chart by class/points
- Sunburst chart by level/count
- Weighted Voronoi chart by class/points
- Icicle chart by class/points
Proper U.GG image (big thanks to Ashley!)
New Logo
Touchups on bubble chart performance, layout and styling
v2.6.0 – 2022-11-01
More visible affiliation notice
Proper Challenge Tracker image (big thanks to DarkIntaqt for granting permission to use the logo!)
Visual touchups on interactible inputs
v2.5.1 – 2022-10-31
Adjusted champion bubble image scaling for better and more consistent resolution choices
v2.5.0 – 2022-10-31
First time visitors will have their region preselected by their country
The site will remember which region was last selected
Added button to trigger search
FAQ information regarding privacy and affiliation
Ability to save the chart as an image
Moved Riot's legal jibber jabber to footer
Chart can now simultaneously display axes and color legends
Touchup on bubble physics
Visual touchups
v2.4.0 – 2022-10-29
Mobile compatible tooltips for icons and texts
Database will automatically remove old data to improve performance
Visual touchups (layout, coloring)
Tooltip in bubble chart is now on click and reacts more reliably
SEO fixes in
sError logging for diagnostics fixed
v2.3.1 – 2022-10-28
Fixed bug causing the top player of each leaderboard to be omitted
v2.3.0 – 2022-10-27
Leaderboard for points on a single champion
Accurate information on next leaderboard update
Table in Profile:
- Links to champion leaderboards
- Note if summoner is in a top 100 spot for that champion
Discover: the 20 most recently updated summoner profiles
Bubbles page renamed to profile
Champion leaderboards:
25→ 100 spotsLeaderboards for meta stuff (Total Points, ...):
- Now have nice champion backgrounds for the summoner's top champion
- Now have a Challenges button as their "champion icon"
- Now have a little description
v2.2.1 – 2022-10-26
Table filtering in leaderboard doesn't hide top players anymore
v2.2.0 – 2022-10-26
- Full overview with top 3 for total points, total mastery and champion table
- Separate page for top 25 for each champion / top 100 for total points and mastery
External support services
- View tracking via a self-hosted instance of umami
- Google AdSense (planned, not yet in use)
v2.1.0 – 2022-10-25
Mastery Data Table
- Sortable by column values (champion name, mastery points, last played, points to next level, chest available)
- Nicer visuals: champion image as background, icons, ...
- Can be filtered by champion name
Posting in Discord looks nicer (Improvements to OpenGraph tagging)
Introduced this changelog
Stats endpoint
v2.0.0 – 2022-10-22
Animated home page with champion tiles and mastery level coloring
D3v4 Bubble Chart:
- Color filling modes: by class and chest availability
- Draggable bubbles
- Hover tooltip
More detailed summoner info + icon
Link buttons to third-party projects
Now built on official Riot API
Full responsive frontend remake
Full rebranding
Bubble Chart level filling color is now applied as a filter on the champion icon istead of replacing it
Bubble Chart sizing now responsive
Mastery data table is now responsive
Summoner comparison functionality
Live search (will return later)
v1.0.0 – 2020-07-09 (Legacy Info)
- First public version
- Reliant on third-party API
- → Site was unusable after it went offline